Sunday 11 December 2011

Happy 3rd month anniversary...

To my Sweetheart

You’ve always been the one I counted on,
Through joy and sorrow, laughter, and some tears;
You keep me grounded; you’re my steady rock;
You’re there for me through days and months and years.
Your sweet devotion never, ever fails,
No matter what I say or what I do.
Sometimes I wonder what I ever did
To deserve someone as wonderful as you.
I love you with a love I can’t control;
I always want to be right by your side.

I want to touch you, kiss you and much more;
My passion for you cannot be denied.
Together we are satisfied and blessed;
Our relation is the very, very best.
It was clear from the start that you and me would never ever apart.
Lots of love tinguuuuu
Happy Anniversary!!

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